Every year State Bank of India notifies vacancies for SBI PO and SBI CLERK for graduates. This year SBI has notified SBI CLERK 2019 Exam, preliminary exam of which is scheduled in the month of June 2019. Millions of aspirants are going to appear in this exam which makes it a hard nut to crack. Therefore all it needs is hard work and determination to ace the exam.

Due to elevated number of aspirants and high competitiveness, SBI and other banking agencies were obligated to raise the difficulty level of questions. The radical changes established to be roller-coaster ride as well as nightmare for numerous aspirants. The students countenance the most challenging competitive exam of their life where they were to tackle novel as well as peculiar style of questions in almost every section. It has demoralized many aspirants which not only resulted in failure in their selection but also cost them an opportunity to grab a Government banking job through this recruitment drive.
In this article, we will explain out useful tips which will help you to beat your competitors and also help you out in cracking the exam.
1. Recognize the instructions correctly:
First and foremost candidates are required to read the directions given above the question paper correctly. The students frequently forget to read the directions as they are too frightened or nervous after seeing a number of complex questions on the exam day. There are instances where one attempts good number of questions but still end up as loser in the end. It is because aspirant attempted them right but according to wrongly read directions and not per as the prescribed directions given above the question papers. Therefore, the aspirants are required to read the directions carefully with a well-versed mind.
2. Unruffled your anxiety:
As per this year experience competitive exams, the learners were attacked with new pattern of complex questions that not only perplexed them but also made them nervous. The students are advised to cool down their nerves and be relaxed while answering questions. You are facing a competitive exam where you have to outsmart millions candidate to grab a Government job through Bank PO Coaching Institute in Jammu. It’s not like any academic examination but a well-complied professional assessment of your aptitude and abilities. Besides testing your intellect, these set of exams also test your patience, perseverance and determination, so cool down your nerves and stay relax in the examination hall.
3. Pay more attention on accuracy:
In all banking competitive exams, there is a trend of negative marking where one-fourth of a mark is deducted for every wrong answer and get better tactics through Bank Exam Study material. Therefore, it is important to answer correctly and avoid guess-working which can result in wrong answers. The students are advised to stress more on accuracy and so they should work hard in learning basics of every concept thoroughly.
4. Don't get frightened by intricate looking questions:
It is generally observed that candidates are likely to be surprised with peculiar looking questions which might be in the form of complex equations or diagrams etc. The students get intimidated by these set of questions and skip them without even thinking about them. You should apply your basics and try to figure out logically the concept or theory which should be used in solving complex looking questions.
5. Continue with simple looking questions:
It is advisable to start with simple questions in order to lift your moral and confidence. It is always a better option to start answering questions which looks easier to solve. You should proceed with easy looking questions followed by moderate to difficult looking questions. This stratagem of solving will boost your speed of answering questions accurately.
Prepare well, strategize better than other and success will be yours!
In case you are located nearby Jammu then IBT Jammu is an ideal option to accomplish your dream of getting a prestigious job in SBI as SBI CLERK.
All the Best!!!