IBPS Clerk 2019 exam is one such exam that requires a “smart work” than hard work from the candidates. In this competitive exam, the candidates do not require 100% marks to qualify, as one expects it in Higher Secondary Exams, but on needs to clear the cut-off marks and maximize their scores.
The English section of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam is expected to be most decisive section of all. In both IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 and IBPS Clerk Mains 2019 exam, this section will play a decisive role. In banking sector worldwide, English Language is considered to be most reliable as well as universal mode of communication. Therefore, the candidate’s abilities and proficiency in English Language is tested in this written competitive exam. To be precise, the students should be proficient in vocabulary usage and have brilliant reading and grammatical skills.
Now, it is important to discuss the winning strategy to master English section of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam. Based on previous year exam pattern and divisibility of marks topic-wise, we can conclude few significant points.
a. Grammar - The students should consult trusted textbooks like Wren and Martin to understand important English Grammar Rules. You can also join online coaching classes or Android App and can download E-books which will give a lot of information about Grammar Rules. The students should focus on topics like Error Spotting, Idioms & Phrases, Active & Passive Voice, Arrangement & Rearrangement of Sentences, Direct & Indirect Speech etc.
b. Vocabulary - In the exam, Vocabulary is tested both directly and indirectly. To prepare it properly, the students should develop reading habits of reading from different sources and try to learn and understand difficult words. The important topics to be prepared are Cloze Test, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, and Spellings.
c. Reading Comprehension – The students should read the first paragraph and then the questions. You should have a thorough look at the information required to answer questions in the passage. The students should understand the gist of the passage. For synonyms and antonyms asked, the students should first read the questions carefully and then identify the sentence in which the word is present. Thereafter, look at the options and choose the most appropriate answer.
Besides regular study pattern one can take the help of MakeMyExam App which is launched by various educational coaching institutes. With the advent of Android App, the world of smart-phones has got a bigger face-lift. It has too affected the conventional ways of studying where Android App has made a strong impact on banking job aspirants. This Android App is phenomenal because it provides students with quizzes related to all the subjects of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam on daily basis. In addition, the students can enjoy the facilities of mini mock tests, videos on study material, making learning a fun experience. It’s also a morale boosting factor for IBPS Clerk 2019 exam preparation where students can learn as well as judge their aptitude and level of understanding.
The students can attain relevant information about all types of competitive exams on Android App. It has worked like an assisting communication tool between the assistant and the learner. The interested aspirants of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam can generate an account using the management panel. The students will be assisted by the Admin through various types of questions based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern. It would primarily comprise of bank of previous year papers, mock tests, topic tests and every day assignments to maintain consistency in learning process. Besides latest syllabus and exam pattern, the useful Android App will also make students aware of rules and regulations of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam.
Wishing all the aspirants of IBPS Clerk 2019 exam, a very promising examination preparation journey with promising results!
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All the Best!!!